who is Temperance (she/her)?

thirty-six year old trans lesbian. very shy and timid and scared. born, raised, and living in the midwest. chronic suburb dweller. big fan and defender of both.

i loooove movies. outdated movie theaters are the most romantic places on earth. mulholland drive is probably my fav movie of all-time, but i went through a wild stretch of watching i saw the tv glow on repeat for like two months over the summer. fav genres are giallo and french new wave, but i also recently discovered the immense beauty of 90s romcoms.

among many, many other things, listening to shania twain on repeat on a road trip in 1997 turned me trans. so did the immeasurable gender envy i got the first time i saw angel olsen in the video for 'hi-five' - and the time i spent like 6 months listening to nothing but garbage and hole.

i love thrifting! i love old stuff! often dressed like a 90s art teacher; other times - like a lil' scamp or a cool stepmom. i have a '66 dodge monaco station wagon that feels like an absolute boat. it's my absolute fav. ♡

my favorite game of all time is Harvest Moon 64, followed closely my Majora's Mask. Harvest Moon is so freaking cute and has so many little interactions and special little moments built into it. the music, the seasonality, all the different little folks to befriend. i love it so much. i also love that the cartridge is chonky. just a heavy lil' guy. so many people have waxed more poetically about Majora's Mask than i can, but it's also so special to me and another one i obsessed over as a kiddo. such a weird and special vibe.